Raptor Aid CIO (1177127) brings you the ramblings of all things birds of prey from around the world. With a core aim of education we want to bridge the gap between humans and raptors and help listeners learn more about this incredibly diverse and fascinating group of birds. www.raptoraid.co.uk @raptoraiduk Raptor_aid
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Dr. Darcy Ogada - Raptor Aid Lockdown Live
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Darcy Ogada is the vice president of the Africa programmes for the Peregrine Fund. The Peregrine Fund is arguably the worlds leading conservation organisation for birds of prey with conservation projects right across the globe.
Darcy is based in Kenya and in this chat we earn all about her work saving vultures in particular the conflict between predators/livestock and the impact this can have on vultures through retaliation poisoning.
Darcy has published extensively on poisoning and vultures and her work is well worth reading if you have an interest in bird of prey conservation.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Dr. Cathleen Thomas - Raptor Aid Lockdown Live
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
In this chat we catch up with Dr. Cathleen Thomas formerly of the RSPB, heading up their Hen Harrier Life Project.
The Life project is funded by the European union and ran from 2014-2019 with an aim of improving conditions for range expansion and population growth of the Hen Harrier in Britain.
We have a frank and open chat with Cathleen about what its like to be a young female trying to make their way in the competitive field of conservation jobs. This is a real must listen for any budding conservationist's or current academics.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Chris Packham - Raptor Aid Lockdown Live
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
He needs no introduction really but we were really pleased to be joined by broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham to wrap up our Lockdown Live interviews.
Chris is best known for his broadcasting of such shows as BBC Springwatch or if you're old enough the Really Wild Show. Now Chris also use's his voice to fight for nature and takes action when its needed.
In this chat we ask silly questions like what really is the coolest bird of prey and more important questions like how do we help protect nature and have an impact.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Brian Etheridge - Raptor Aid Lockdown Live
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
I can guarantee 99.9% of followers/listeners will have never heard of Brian Etheridge and that in my opinion is a crime, the man is a legend when it comes to monitoring raptors in the UK so much so I call him God.
Enough of the plaudits, Brian has been involved with monitoring birds of prey most of his life and the majority of those years has been in the Highlands. Brian worked for the RSPB on species such as the Hen Harrier and Red Kite and for 10 years was the Scottish raptor species officer.
Still as active as ever an hour spent in the field with Brian is a lifetime of knowledge.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Andre Botha - Raptor Aid Lockdown Live
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
In this chat we catch up with Andre Botha of the Endangered Wildlife Trust who is programme leader of their Vultures for Africa work. No one is better placed to talk about vulture conservation than Andre as he travels the world working on this issue.
Andre has a love of all nature though and formerly headed up the EWT's bird of prey programme and works on their Southern Ground Hornbill project.
A straight talking conservationist with the experience to back it up.